2014 Advocates are available to speak to your employees about United Way and the life changing work United Way does in our community. Their presentations can fit any time-frame and audience requirements. Presentations may be scheduled seven days a week, any hour of the day.
Please allow at least three business days for scheduling requests.
To schedule a presentation please complete form below or contact Erin Diener by email at unitedway@uw.lafayette.in.us or by phone: 765-742-9077 x221
1. Presentation Date/Time
2. Presentation Date/Time
3. Presentation Date/Time
4. Presentation Date/Time
5. Presentation Date/Time
6. Presentation Date/Time
7. Presentation Date/Time
8. Presentation Date/Time
9. Presentation Date/Time
10. Presentation Date/Time
Address of Company
Specific Location of Presentation at Company
Phone #
In-House Campaign Coordinator(s) Name(s)
Person Requesting Presentation
Timeframe for Presentation
Place on Agenda
Audience Make-up and Size
Electronic Medium Available
Are Campaign Supplies Needed?
2012 $ Raised
# of Vanguards in Company
Additional considerations
Do you need Spanish Language pledge forms or a Spanish speaking LCR?
Please provide dates and times for each Advocate presentation your are requesting for your organization. It is not necessary to provide alternative dates on this form.