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Schedule an Advocate
2014 Advocates are available to speak to your employees about United Way and the life changing work United Way does in our community. Their presentations can fit any time-frame and audience requirements. Presentations may be scheduled seven days a week, any hour of the day. 
Please allow at least three business days for scheduling requests.
To schedule a presentation please complete form below or contact Erin Diener by email at unitedway@uw.lafayette.in.us or by phone: 765-742-9077 x221

 1.  Presentation Date/Time

 2.  Presentation Date/Time

 3.  Presentation Date/Time    

 4.  Presentation Date/Time  

 5.  Presentation Date/Time 

 6.  Presentation Date/Time 

 7.  Presentation Date/Time 

 8.  Presentation Date/Time 

 9.  Presentation Date/Time

10. Presentation Date/Time  

Address of Company
Specific Location of Presentation at Company
Phone #
In-House Campaign Coordinator(s) Name(s)
Person Requesting Presentation
Timeframe for Presentation
Place on Agenda
Audience Make-up and Size
Electronic Medium Available 
Are Campaign Supplies Needed?
2012 $ Raised
# of Vanguards in Company
Additional considerations
Do you need Spanish Language pledge forms or a Spanish speaking LCR?
New Goal
E-News Sign Up:

Please provide dates and times for each Advocate presentation your are requesting for your organization. It is not necessary to provide alternative dates on this form. 
Yes, we need Spanish pledge formsYes, we need a Spanish speaking LCRNo